April 2015 E-pistle

What a spiritually power-packed two weeks we just had – first Easter, then Divine Mercy Sunday! Christ took upon himself every sin we will ever commit and accepted our punishment for us. He stretched out his arms on the cross and bridged the gap that separated us from God. By rising, he conquered death and gave us eternal life. From his pierced side, all grace, forgiveness and mercy flow out to each of us washing us clean and imparting to us the very Divine Life of God
, let’s put on an “attitude of salvation.” Salvation is ours! Eternal joy in heaven is ours! Jesus offers it to us as pure gift. We can’t earn it. We need merely accept it. Let us from the depth of our souls say “Yes Lord, I accept your Salvation!” Lest we have any doubt of the unfathomable mercy and grace God has for us, let us also cry out, “Jesus, I trust in You!”
B, we just finished 40 days of penitential practices during the Lenten Season. Now let’s choose something to do every day during the Easter Season that will bring us closer to the joyful heart of our Savior (e.g. say a kind word to someone every day, avoid cynical comments, make a smile our default face even if we aren’t particularly happy, work at forgiving ourselves for past failures, pray the Regina Coeli or Divine Mercy Chaplet every day).
Go Deeper
+ Pray the traditional prayer for the Easter Season: Regina Coeli
+ Learn the basics of the Divine Mercy Message and Devotion
+ Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
+ So, what happened after Easter? Read the Acts of the Apostles
+ Meditate upon these Easter Homilies: St. John Chrysostem + Pope Francis + Pope Emeritus Benedict + St. John Paul II
+ Meditate upon the homily given on the first Divine Mercy Sunday by St. John Paul II
+ Video by Father Robert Baron explaining the meaning of Easter
+ Video: Chaplet of Divine Mercy (sung)
+ How is the date for Easter calculated?
+ CDs/Downloads by Lighthouse Catholic Media regarding Easter
+ Understanding the Salvation won through the Paschal Mystery