June 2016 E-pistle

The Church dedicates the month of June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  So what is the Sacred Heart? It is the truly human heart of Jesus that loves all of us personally, having shared our human condition and experienced our hopes and dreams; our sadness and frailty. It is also the Divine Heart of the second Person of the Holy Trinity that loves us infinitely and perfectly, aware of our every need and true good. It is the heart that loved us enough to become man, suffer, die and rise for each one of us. It is the heart that pours out blood and water from the cross, showering mercy upon us and imparting the Sacraments and grace. It is the heart that seeks to draw us into itself so that we might experience its embrace of eternal joy.

Seek to unite your heart more closely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by pondering how the Sacred Heart loves (perfectly, personally, unconditionally) and whom the Sacred Heart loves (everyone, including you). Ask Jesus to recreate your heart in the image of His Sacred Heart in order that you might love more deeply God, yourself and your neighbor (including those whom you find hard to love).
Go Deeper
Spend some time in prayer reflecting on how much God loves you (perhaps reflect upon all the good things he has created; blessings in your life;  Jesus’becoming man, suffering, dying and rising and His promise of eternal joy with Him in heaven)
Spend some time reflecting on areas where you need to love more as Jesus loves (challenging relationships in your family and work; politicians; people around you and in the news who have engaged in extremely sinful behavior)
Resolve to perform regular works of mercy Corporal  and Spiritual Works of Mercy

+ Mediation, Novena and Offering to the Sacred Heart

+ Information, prayers, devotional and poems dedicated to the sacred Heart –Heart to Heart
+ Explanation of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart