July 2015 E-pistle

Peace is elusive… mental, spiritual and physical peace. We recognize its necessity, but seldom find it. Christ says, “my yoke is easy and my burden light,” yet we feel weighed down. We tell ourselves, “if I just get through this, things will be better,” but another anxiety arises. Even in prayer or at Mass, we find ourselves distracted and restless. The reality is that God has everything under control. Despite the pain that comes our way, our eternal joy and peace is assured if we accept our Lord’s offer of salvation.
First, seek to live in the present moment. We do not find God in the regrets of the past or the anxiety of the future. He meets us and walks with us in the now. Second, find mental and physical habits that help reduce stress and refocus you on what is important (e.g. quiet time for reflection/journaling, exercise, deep-breathing, etc.). Third, walk with God throughout the day, giving him your concerns (and your joys) and seeking to trust in him more.
Go Deeper
+ Have set times of prayer every day – a
for example when you wake [sample morning offering], in the middle of the day (maybe pray an Angelus or maybe just tell God how your day is going and ask Him to be with you the rest of the day) and at the end of the day [example of nightly examination of conscience, example of night prayer]
+ Keep a gratitude journal, maybe writing at least three things each night for which you are grateful (focusing on our blessings goes a long way to sooth our fears)
+ Love is the cure to anxiety – focus on loving God, your neighbor and yourself (Remember, you are a beautiful, beloved child of God!)
+ When you are walking or driving, pray the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet
+Whenever you feel anxiety, pray over and over again in your heart “Jesus, I trust in You!”
+ Practice good habits: healthy eating, moderate alcohol, exercise, spending some relaxing prayer time before you go to sleep; less TV
+Use deep breathing as a way to alleviate stress in the moment
+Read a book on the life of an inspiring saint: [St. Therese, Padre Pio, St. Francis]
+Find time for leisure (if it stresses you out, it is not a good leisure activity)