Recognizing the constraints on staff, volunteers and participants’ schedules, God Is! is designed to be easily implemented by any parish or any group anywhere.
The Process begins with the God Is! Day of Renewal. This one day retreat is usually held at a parish or school, or at a retreat house or other venue for organizations without such facilities. All that is required is a room that can accommodate the participants, chairs, a podium and food for breakfast and lunch. Ideally the church or a chapel is utilized a couple of times during the day. Separate break-out rooms or a separate area for food and breakout groups are ideal, but in no way necessary.
The Initial God Is! Day of Renewal .
We bring a team to facilitate this first day of renewal. All the parish (or organization) has to do for this day is provide the facilities, food and priests for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We take care of everything else. We even provides Mass/bulletin announcements and a registration form that can be used by the parish.
Subsequent God Is! Days of Renewal. Parishes continue to hold one or more God Is! Days of Renewal each year (depending on the size of the parish/expected participants). Ideally, parishes implementing the God Is! Process will integrate this into the curriculum for Sacramental preparation, with the expectation that at least one parent of each candidate for First Communion or Confirmation will attend. After attending the first God Is! we will meet with leaders to turn over materials and discuss implementation. After that, the parish/organization is ready to carry on the Process on its own! The God Is! Manual is “turnkey.” It provides all of the necessary instruction and content. Our motto is “Keep it simple!”
Ongoing Faith Formation (Catechize)
Lighthouse CDs. Because of the generosity of Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP, we are able to provide all participants who attend a God Is! Day of renewal with a packet of inspirational and informative CDs. We hand these out at the First God Is! For subsequent God Is! Days of Renewal, you will merely need to report the number you need and they will be sent directly to you to hand out. There is no charge for these CDs (other than a very small shipping cost).
Epistles. We provide all participants with monthly spiritual formation in the form of a short email called an “Epistle.” There is no cost to the parish/organization for these. Examples of recent Epistles can be found on bottom right-hand portion of the home page of this website under “Recent Posts.”
Faith & Fellowship Meetings (Communitize)
We encourage parishes to offer Faith & Fellowship Meetings after they have experienced the first God Is! Day of Renewal. We will facilitate a Faith & Fellowship Meeting for you when we meet to hand over all of the materials. Thereafter you will decide when and where to offer them.
Although you only need two people to decide upon a day and time to hold a Faith and Fellowship meeting, this is only a start. Faith and Fellowship Meetings should be open and inclusive. All attendees should be encouraged to invite friends, family and anyone else seeking faith-based fellowship. Newcomers should be made to feel welcome and encouraged to return.
All that is needed for a successful Faith and Fellowship Meeting is (1) two or more people, (2) The Faith & Fellowship Meeting format (one page, two sided) and (3) the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday. It is also nice to have “Welcome to your first Faith & Fellowship Meeting!” handouts available in case there are newcomers.
Please click one of the following to learn about:
The God Is! Process
Applications of God Is!