Parish Missions

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Meaning in the Madness

Our current Mission offering is entitled “Meaning in the Madness.” This three day journey closer to God will comfort, inspire, and challenge all who attend, no matter where they are in the faith journey. In promoting true conversion of heart, Mike Pacer brings a level of infectious enthusiasm, tempered by humility, empathy and humor. Mike speaks as one of the flock – a fellow, husband and father, son and brother who is on the same journey as his audience. The topics for these three days are (1) Confronting Christ, (2) Overcoming Obstacles, and (3) Living Life. Day One includes a Mass, Day Two Reconciliation and Day Three a powerful Adoration experience.

“Awesome! … just what I needed this Lent”

“The best Mission I have ever attended.”

“This Mission has changed me and I know that it will change our parish as well.”

“I met Christ today in a way I have never before.”

“I was afraid of Confession before today. I will never fear it again.”

To book your next parish mission or for more information, please fill out the following form:

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