August 2014 Epistle

Today (August 15) is the Feast of the Assumption – an awesome day of celebration. It is only fitting that Marry would be triumphantly “assumed” into heaven immediately, as her entire life was a journey towards perfect union with God. Mary bent her will to God’s will. She accepted the infinite God into her womb. She embraced the suffering of her son Jesus the Christ with such empathy that her own heart was “pierced.” She was mother to the Apostles and was given by Jesus to us all as our mother.
Commit to getting to know Mary more intimately. If the concept of a devotion to Mary is strange to you (or even unappealing), please take the time to learn why the Church puts so much emphasis on this (check out the links below). If your relationship with Mary has waned, use one or more of the tools below to rekindle the spark of love. Even if you have a great love for our Lady, embrace her more lovingly.
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+ Go to Mass today as it is a Holy Day of Obligation. If by the time you read this it is too late (you forgot), consider going on another week day!
+ Consecrate yourself and your family to Jesus through Mary: Explanation
+ Litany of the blessed virgin Mary: Text + Audio