June 2014 E-pitle

These past two Sundays celebrated two of the most important events in creation – The Ascension and Pentecost.  Jesus completed his work here on earth.  He became man, lived among us, taught us, suffered for us, died for us and rose from the dead, opening the gates of heaven for us. Then, Jesus “sent us as his Father sent him” (Jn 20: 21) “to make disciples of all nations and teach them everything about him” (Mt 28:19-20).  And Jesus didn’t just give us this challenge and take off, leaving us alone.  Rather, he and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to remain with us, guide us, counsel us, protect us and empower us until the end of time.
Each of us who are baptized has been commissioned by Christ.  We have been sent out into the world to share our faith with all whom we meet – our family, friends, acquaintances, even strangers.  We are to be the light of the world, shining the light of Christ and dispelling the darkness.  We are called to illuminate the way of truth (i.e. Jesus – who is the way, the truth and the life) – through both the example of our lives and through our verbal witness as well. This month, make an effort to share your faith with others.  Tell them how God has touched your life and offered his salvation to you.
Go Deeper
Identify one (or several) people whom you will reach out to and share your story of Jesus became relevant/personal to you
+ Give a rosary, Bible or Catholic book, prayer card or CD to three people
+ Read and meditate upon what our Lord is saying to you in these two Gospels: Ascension and Pentecost
+ Following us on twitter for regular inspirational thoughts on evangelizing
+ Revisit/meditate upon the GiftsFruits and and Charisms of the Holy Spirit
+ Pray the traditional Prayer to the Holy Spirit for nine days in a row
+ Pray these: Consecration to the Holy Spirit & Prayer for the seven Gifts
+ Watch this inspirational video regarding the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
+ Watch this video of Pope Francis talking about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
+ Two different approaches to teaching children about the Holy Spirit: Ministry to Children and Jimmy Akin