February 2014 E-pistle

Who do you say that I am? This question of Jesus to His disciples in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Mark is the same question He asks each of us today. Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6); the Messiah (the promised, anointed savior of all people) (Jn 4:26); the giver of eternal life (Jn 10:28); almighty God, co-eternal with the Father (Jn 14:9). Jesus took upon Himself our sins (1 Pt 2:24), died (Jn 19:28-26) and rose from the dead (Jn 20). Jesus is not just a kind guy who lived a good life. As St. Paul points out in 1 Cor 15, Jesus was either God or crazy; He either rose from the dead or our entire faith is a sham. So, who is Jesus to you?

Jesus is God! Your life has purpose! You are created in love by God and sustained in love by God. And God became man and died for you. God invites you to live in perfect eternal happiness with Him. What will do with that knowledge? How will you live your life? You can’t just keep going along as if nothing matters. Today matters! Your thoughts, words and actions matter! Everything you are and do is of infinite importance! Yesterday is gone; let it go. Tomorrow is not assured; worry not about it. Today (and every day of your life is “today”) seek to embrace God in a new and glorious way. Read the Bible; go to Mass, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, study the faith; pray the Rosary; get involved in your parish; care for the poor and needy; comfort the sorrowing; forgive those you have wronged you; support worthy charities… Seek to live every day in light of who Jesus is!

Sign up for daily Gospel reading (& Commentary): flocknote.com/gospel
+ Buy an Ignatius Study Bible: (New Testament): www.catholiccompany.com/ignatius-bible-rsv-second-catholic-edition-i7805/
+ “101 Questions About the Mass” (answered):
+ Explanations of the Faith: www.catholic.com
+ Pope Francis on poverty: www.confrontglobalpoverty.org/our-faith-global-poverty/church-teachings/quotes-poverty-pope-francis/
+ “A Way of Life For Young Catholics” (but a good read for anyone): www.poorclares.ie/print/A%20Way%20of%20Life%20for%20young%20Catholics.pdf
+ “How to Pray”: www.catholicbible101.com/howtopray.htm
+ Some thoughts on “tithing”: www.saint-mike.org/library/rule/excerpts/principles_tithing.html