December 2015 E-pistle

December 2015 E-pistle


Here we are 8 days into the Jubilee Year of Mercy and 10 days before Christmas. What a great time to meditate upon the Mercy of Christmas.  God revealed his Mercy by setting aside his glory and becoming man, born of woman in a manger.  He became man to take upon himself all of our sins; to suffer and die for us; to open the gates of heaven for us.  We in turn are called to imitate the mercy of our Lord – to be merciful to ourselves and to others.  2000 years later with the “holiday haze” upon us, we have plenty of opportunities to be merciful.

  1. Don’t let this Year of Mercy pass you by.  Immerse yourself in mercy by coming to understand what this Jubilee Year is all about, by coming to a deeper understanding of the apostolic movement of Divine Mercy, and by practicing works of mercy.
  2. Seek to be merciful this Christmas. Be merciful to friends and family in the hectic holiday season –  forgive old grudges; be patient with those who try your patience most.  Be merciful to yourself – don’t take on too much or set a standard for yourself that leaves you anxious and unable to peacefully enter into the joy of our Lord’s birth. Find time for quiet prayer.

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+ Vatican website for the Year of Mercy

+ USCCB website for the Year of Mercy

+ Corporal Works of Mercy

+ Spiritual Works of Mercy

+ Prayers for Christmas

+ Videos on Advent By Bishop Barron: Video 1Video 2

+ Video: Bishop Barron on Christmas and the Prologue of John

+ Dom Christian’s 5 ways to find peace at Christmas

+ CatholicMom: 5 Ways to find peace and Joy this Advent and Christmas

+ Advent FAQs

+ The O Antiphons of Advent explained